Lotus House


we are restaurant / takeaway in beautiful island of Jersey, Channel Island, U,K, we are nearer to France Than England, All English speaking here, about 20-30k Portuguese people here from about 100k people

Other Jobs by Employer


Lotus House | jersey | Full-Time - 餐饮
£20,000 - £39,999 - 普通话, 粤语, 英语, 其他 Speaking
Chinese Chef needed with experience chance to come to jersey, own room, tv, wifi, must have papers, tel Steven 07829992888
Posted: 6 年 5 个月 ago


Lotus House | JERSEY | Full-Time - 餐厅/外卖
£20,000 - £39,999 - 普通话, 粤语, 英语, 其他 Speaking
Chinese Chef needed with experience chance to come to beutiful island of jersey, own room, tv, wifi, must have papers, tel Steven 07829992888
Posted: 6 年 5 个月 ago


Lotus House